Little ringed plover

 Little ringed plover

Charadrius dubius

Charadriidae is a species of charadriformes.
It is a thin, long winged and elegant plover.
The mask and chest are black, and the eye ring is yellow. Its eyebrow is thin and white.
It comes from both sides and unites on its top. Its beak is black and its legs are pale yellow.
The eye ring of the young is prominent, its forehead is light-coloured, the back of his eye is dark and his pectoral girdle is cut.
It has no wing line. It is seen in sandy and pebbly lake shores and streams.
Generally fresh water regions, especially river islands and beaches of lakes, as well as light salt wetlands. It is seen in the coasts as well as in the inner regions during winter. It nests on the ground. It is is only seen in migration passes in the north of the Balkans and in some parts of France and Spain.
It is seen in all of Europe and Anatolia except these places during the summer season.
It is seen in the western part of the Caspian Sea, in the middle and west of Russia during the summer season. It is seen in migration passages in the Middle East region except Mesopotamia.
There is permanent habitat on both banks of the Strait of Gibraltar and its adjacent areas. It is again a guest of immigration in the north of Africa.
It reproduced in Cyprus. It passes scattered throughout most of the region. During winter, it is seen in the southern part of Turkey (rarely) and passes in the Persian Gulf in small numbers.